Hot dutch cake 🍰😋😍
4 boxes (200g each) of cream 1 box of condensed milk
3 heaping tablespoons of powdered sugar
1 envelope of unflavored gelatin (12g)
1/4 cup of water (to hydrate the gelatin)
200 to 300 g milk, semi-sweet, or white chocolate Calypso cookies, or chocolate sticks or bis to decorate the sides
1 package of waffer or marie biscuits or a thin layer of sponge cake
1 tablespoon (dessert) vanilla essence
We put the boxes of milk cream in the fridge all night so that they acquire the ideal consistency.
Decorate the sides of a round rimmed pan (22 to 25 cm in diameter) with biscuits, chocolate sticks or calypso cookies (it is not necessary to fill the entire space).
Cover bottom in the same way with wafers, arranging to fill all the space; cut wafers to fit irregular gaps.
Pour gelatin into 1/4 cup water and stir well, microwave 10-20 seconds or heat in a water bath until smooth (see gelatin label for instructions) In a container mix 1 box of cream, 1 box of condensed milk, vanilla essence and hydrated gelatin Mix by hand and reserve Use 2 boxes of cream and 1 tablespoon of sugar to whip the whipped cream in the mixer (high speed).
After reaching the point of chantilly, add to the mixture of point 4, stir by hand and pour over the wafers that line the bottom of the mold.
Put in the freezer for about 3 hours After 3 hours in the freezer, it is time to prepare the topping (ganache) bring to a simmer 1 box of cream with 250 g of chocolate bar (dark, milk or white) After the chocolate is melted, it is ready to cover the white cream, finishing the cake.
Take it to the freezer once more and then unmold the cake running a knife around the sides and lifting the bottom of the pan, do not remove the bottom of the pan.
Superimpose the cake on a cake with a foot and take it to the fridge.