Chocolate cake



Spongy chocolate cake is a delectable dessert loved by many. This indulgent treat boasts a moist and tender crumb, thanks to the addition of ingredients like eggs, butter, and milk.

โ– Ingredients:

โ€ข 2 tablespoons of bitter cocoa
โ€ข 200 grams of wheat flour
โ€ข 4 egg whites
โ€ข 200 ml of skimmed milk
โ€ข 1 teaspoon of yeast
โ€ข 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda
โ€ข A pinch of cinnamon
10 Stevia Sweetener Scoops


โ€ข 200 grams of cream cheese
โ€ข 3 tablespoons of bitter cocoa
โ€ข 3 tablespoons of skimmed milk
โ€ข 4 cups of Stevia sweetener
โ€ข Chocolate chips for decorating


First we sift the flour to avoid lumps. In a bowl we mix the yeast, salt, cocoa, and flour. We made reservations. In another bowl we beat egg whites.

We add egg whites to the bowl where we have the flour and cocoa.
In another third container we mixed the Stevia sweetener suitable for cooking, together with milk, cinnamon and oil.

Beat until you achieve an even texture. We add a teaspoon of baking soda to this mixture.
Before we pour our cookie dough into a mold, we preheat the oven to about 180 degrees.

We bake for about 20 minutes. To know if itโ€™s well cooked we can use the trick of the punctured stick in the center. If we see that it comes out wet we leave the cake five more minutes in the oven. If it comes out dry the stick is on point.

We took the mold out of the oven and let it cool.
Now we need to prepare the cake topping that will give you moisture. In a bowl we place the cream cheese, along with the sweetener, the 3 tablespoons of unsweetened cocoa and the skimmed milk.
Letโ€™s remove with a spoon until we achieve an even mass.

Try the cream, since the cocoa without sugar is bitter, if despite adding 3 scoops of sweetener you like it sweeter we add a few more toppings.

Once the cake is covered we garnish it.

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