1 can of condensed milk
400 ml of milk (use a can of condensed milk to measure) 3 eggs
4 colheres of chocolate soup in po
1 xícara of sugar chá
1/2 xícara of chá de Água
Preparation mode
1. In a panela, melt the sugar to obtain a caramel.
2. Add the water and let it cook until it forms a thick broth.
3. Spoon the broth all over or inside in a proper way for puddings and reserve.
4. Non-liquidifying whisk or condensed milk, or chocolate, or milk and eggs.
5. Slowly or contently clear the liquidizer into the reserved caramel shape.
6. Lightly roast in a water bath in a pre-baked oven at 180ºC for about 40 minutes.
7. Let cool, unformed and mild to geladeira até when serving.