

sponge ingredients:

70g Self raising flour
30g Cocoa powder
3 Eggs
100g golden caster sugar

filling ingredients:

250ml double cream
2 tbsp icing sugar

Cocoa powder (for dusting)

Chocolate shavings

1. First pre-heat your oven to 170c fan and line a large baking tray with parchment paper.

2. Weigh out the flour and cocoa powder.

3. In a large bowl or stand mixer, add the eggs and sugar. Whisk (electric whisk) until doubled in size, light in colour and create a ribbon effect.

4. Sift the flour and cocoa powder into the wet mixture and fold together gently with a metal spoon.

5. Transfer to your prepared tray and bake for 8-10 mins until firm but spring to touch. Once baked, allow to cool for 2 minutes.

6. On your work surface, lay another piece of parchment paper and sprinkle sugar onto it. After your sponge has rested, flip it onto the sugared surface and peel away the top layer of parchment.

7. On the shortest end, score the sponge (2cm from the edge) and roll using the parchment paper to help โ€“ the parchment will be running through it. Leave the rolled sponge to cool.

8. In the meantime, make the filling. Whisk the cream and icing sugar until the cream thickens. Then, add in the Baileys (a tbsp at a time) and mix in.

9. Unroll the sponge and spread over the cream. Starting from the scored edge, use the parchment to roll the sponge into a spiral.

10. Transfer to a board or plate, dust with cocoa powder and top with any leftover cream!

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