Broccoli potato soup cooked in just 20 minutes
1 broccoli
4 large potatoes
300 g natural yogurt, 1.5%
1 liter vegetable stock
1 onion
some olive oil
salt and pepper
garlic powder
sauce (chili seasoning sauce)

Chop the onion, wash the broccoli and divide it into small florets. Peel the potatoes and cut into pieces (the smaller the vegetables, the faster they can cook).
Heat olive oil in a pan. As soon as the oil is hot, add the onion cubes, fry until translucent and then deglaze with the vegetable stock. As soon as the stock starts to simmer, you can add the broccoli and potatoes.
As soon as the vegetables are cooked, remove a few broccoli florets and put them to one side. The vegetables can now be pureed in the pan until the vegetables are completely chopped.
Then add about 200 g of natural yoghurt to make the soup nice and creamy.
Season with salt, pepper, garlic powder (or fresh garlic), chili and coriander to give the soup a pleasant spiciness. Briefly puree every now and then to ensure that all the ingredients are well mixed.
Finally, add the broccoli florets that you set aside to give the soup a little bite. Add about one tablespoon of natural yoghurt to the soup per plate and garnish with a little parsley.